1989 through 2012
The Gunpowder Valley Conservancy, a non-profit organization, mobilizes people and resources to care for the lands, waters and character of the Gunpowder Watershed. Our emphasis is on land preservation and education & restoration. We preserve land through conservation easements and stewardship of the land via biannual monitoring visits. Our education & restoration program focuses on reforestation; stream adoption and cleanup; educational workshops, leadership trainings, and publications; and the installation of residential storm water pollution control measures such as rain barrels, rain gardens, Bay Wise landscaping, and edible landscapes.
- Bridging more than 16,000 total volunteers to restore the Gunpowder Watershed
- Partnering with 85 community organizations, businesses, churches, schools, and government agencies
- 1,512 acres preserved through conservation easements
- 110 acres reforested mainly as riparian stream buffers
- 23,000 trees planted with 7,500 volunteers
- 150 stream miles cleaned, collecting 164 tons of trash with 7,500 volunteers through these programs: MD Save Our Streams, Baltimore County Stream Watch, Project Clean Stream, and Better Waterways
- 50 streams adopted on 13 stream miles with 62 Stream Leaders through Stream Watch Program since 2008
- 2 MD Leadership Awards received from Save our Streams Program
- 150 rain barrels distributed into local communities
- 30+ rain barrels installed by GVC
- 16 conservation landscaping gardens installed for homeowners
- Provided Educational Outreach at watershed conferences & festivals, open houses, workshops, trainings, and public meetings; 632 participants educated in 2011 alone
- Greening Communities like Carney in Jennifer Branch Watershed: 3,000 homes targeted with educational literature; held 3 community wide educational events for 93 participants; assessed 52 yards for storm water pollution control measures; conducted 24 community “green solution” workshops (Rain Barrel, Rain Garden, Stream Watch Trainings, Edible Landscapes Workshops) for 192 participants; 100 households participated in restoration actions; 483 volunteers involved in greening project, contributing 1,564 volunteer hours, valued at $33,157.00 of labor towards the project success!
- “Gunpowder Trails Club” developed to monitor 100+ trail miles in Gunpowder Falls State Park
- 7 Trail Maintenance /Invasive Removal Workshops conducted in Loch Raven Reservoir, removing 450 lbs invasive plants, planting 370 native herbaceous plants, installing 12 rolling grade dips to divert runoff, with 172 volunteers
- 11,000 trees maintained with 466 volunteers on 55 acres since 2009
- Nominated Franklinville a county historic village
- Helped facilitate the Greater Kingsville Community Plan
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Feb 9, 2013 8:02:58 PM
Edible Landscapes Workshop Flyer
2012 GVC Fall Newsletter Available
NCR Trail Map
Summer Membership Appreciation Canoe Trip
Rain Garden Workshop
GVC Spring 2012 Newsletter
GVC Accomplishments 1989-2012
Tree Planting update and Thanks to all!