Membership & Donations

Membership and Donations

MembershipYes! I want to _____ become a member or _______ renew my membership with the Gunpowder Valley Conservancy to support GVC’s conservation, education and restoration efforts within the Gunpowder Watershed. As a volunteer organization, GVC depends on the efforts and support of membership for the success of its work. As a member I will receive the bi-annual GVC Newsletter, discounts on rain barrels, and first priority for GVC events. I have enclosed a tax-deductivle check for   [  ]Members thru 9/1/13   $50.00        [  ] Non-Members thru 9/1 $65.00  [  ] All after 9/1/13   75.00
Please print out this form, make your check out to Gunpowder Valley Conservancy and return it to Gunpowder Valley Conservancy
PO Box 9733
Towson, MD 21284
Name:Street Address:City, State Zip:Email:Phone(s):Family Members: 
OR Select the Level of Membership you like and click on the Buy Now button below. 

    DonationYes! I would like to make a Donation to the Gunpowder Valley Conservancy to further support GVC’s conservation, education and restoration efforts within the Gunpowder Watershed. I enclose a check in the amount of $______________.Please record this donation [  ] in my name 
    [  ] In the name of _____________________________
    [  ] In memory  of _____________________________Please apply the donation to[  ] The GVC Endowment Fund
    [  ] The GVC Operations FundPlease print out this form, make your check out to Gunpowder Valley Conservancy and return it toGunpowder Valley Conservancy
    PO Box 9733
    Towson, MD 21284OR Press on the Donate button below to make your donation. NOTE: In the final (Review Donation) screen there will be a link near the top left labeled “In name/honor of–For Endowment/Ops” Click on the text and it will open a box where you can note in whose name or memory you are donating and whether it is for the Endowment Fund or Operations Fund.
    When you are ready, click on the Donate button below. Thank you very much.

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